Yesterday we got home to find one of my long finned zebra danios gasping desperately at the surface. If you touched him he made no attempt to swim away. When nudged he sank to the bottom and then slowly made his way up to the surface hanging sort of sideways apparently only able to move one side fin. The rainbow fish were starting to nip at him, and then he got stuck to the filter so we thought it kindest to kill him quickly. I examined him carefully and he looked perfect....uttely healthy. :'( Glossy and irredescent and positively fat.
Now one of my rainbows (Bosemani) is looking ill. She's smaller than the others and slimmer (which is why I think she's a female...that and the other three flirt heavily with her) and today she's swimming in one fixed place in the tank. I can't see anything at all wrong with her except she looks a fraction duller perhaps, and she's swimming in a rather wooden laboured way. Breathing quite fast. I'm very worried
My Amm, and nitrite are 0. My nitrates about 50ppm. I work hard at keeping the tank clean and the filter is working and clean. The temp has been going up and down a bit in the heat.
The only "new" think I can think of is I got a clown plec to eat algae. I only have one tank so I couldn't quarenteen him. He looks fine. He's a bit grumpy but I've only seen him chase my cats.
My Cardinal tetras have been looking slightly unhappy (sometimes very pale, a couple of hours later looking just fine again) and all the fish seem off their food a bit. I'm rotating between 3 different flake foods.
I've scrutinised them for signs of parasites or ulcers or fin rot or anything but they all look really healthy.
Any ideas please? I'd really appreciate some advice.
I'm a relative newbie so I'm a bit scared of using treatments and killing my filter bacteria. I don't have a hospital tank, but I wouldn't know what to treat for anyway
Now one of my rainbows (Bosemani) is looking ill. She's smaller than the others and slimmer (which is why I think she's a female...that and the other three flirt heavily with her) and today she's swimming in one fixed place in the tank. I can't see anything at all wrong with her except she looks a fraction duller perhaps, and she's swimming in a rather wooden laboured way. Breathing quite fast. I'm very worried
My Amm, and nitrite are 0. My nitrates about 50ppm. I work hard at keeping the tank clean and the filter is working and clean. The temp has been going up and down a bit in the heat.
The only "new" think I can think of is I got a clown plec to eat algae. I only have one tank so I couldn't quarenteen him. He looks fine. He's a bit grumpy but I've only seen him chase my cats.
My Cardinal tetras have been looking slightly unhappy (sometimes very pale, a couple of hours later looking just fine again) and all the fish seem off their food a bit. I'm rotating between 3 different flake foods.
I've scrutinised them for signs of parasites or ulcers or fin rot or anything but they all look really healthy.
Any ideas please? I'd really appreciate some advice.
I'm a relative newbie so I'm a bit scared of using treatments and killing my filter bacteria. I don't have a hospital tank, but I wouldn't know what to treat for anyway