One horrible evening.

Last night I noticed my blue ram acting very strange. I watched him over an hour or two period. He just sort of layed at the bottom of the tank on his belly. I tried to get him to eat by droping sinking pellets by him, with no luck I moved him to a Q tank and increased the temp and added melafix.....this morning he had passed.

My blue ram was a great fish. He would always come up to the glass and watch you hoping to get fed, great colours and a great personality. Hope I find another just like him.


I had the ram for about 4 months now i geuss. Had him in the smaller planted tank for about 3 months, then decided when i traded in my large cichlids, that the ram would like the 55g so he was there for the last three weeks. I had the temp around 76 in both tanks. Everything seemed fine with him, he even schooled with my silver dollars and clown loaches whenever he could keep up. Was he maybe stressed from not having a partner? Great fish and I will get another one when I see one or maybe order one or two more. Thanks everyone!