One of my bloodfins looks like it has a fat lip?


Small Fish
Mar 18, 2011
I noticed yesterday that one of my bloodfins look like it has a fat lip...his lower lip just looks Bubba from Forrest Gump lol. Any idea why?

Mar 26, 2011
Malden, MA
Unfortunately, new tanks do tend to get disease outbreaks. The fish are stressed by getting acclimated to a new tank, and the tank itself may not be established enough to be all the way out of the cycle. That adds more stress.

I would NOT go adding any medications to the tank at this point. Keep it clean, and keep an eye on the affected fish. Often, trying to medicate when you don't know exactly what you are dealing with hurts more than it helps.

Good luck!

Oct 29, 2010
Good plan. I did some research and it looks like cotton mouth (do you see white fluff as well as swelling?) is highly contagious and can be deadly. It can be spread even from aquarium nets - so put the sick guy into total quarantine.

You may want to treat the separated fish with Methylene Blue or another commercial medication.

Like Pate said, you may want to add salt to the main aquarium and make sure you keep up with water changes.

Some reading on the subject:
Treating Cotton Mouth Disease (Mouth Fungus) | Tropical Fish Tanks
Fish Disease - Columnaris
Cotton Mouth Disease In Aquarium Fish


Medium Fish
Mar 11, 2011
United States
Cotton mouth is inside the mouth you can see it when they open and close there mouth, also what color is it and if you could take a picture that would help, then we could tell you a more accurate diagnosis. I tell lot's of people to get The Fish Keeper, Nature's Disease Remedy & Immunizing Treatment "Keep Your Fish Alive!" it work's great and prevent's most cases, i have been using it for a while and my fish have been really well hope everything work's out.


Small Fish
Mar 18, 2011
I've tried numerous times to get a picture but it's hopeless. It is whitish. Kinda looks like it has a beard. It survived the night but his red colors on his fins are almost gone :(
I drew a picture of what i see lol.



Medium Fish
Mar 11, 2011
United States
Lol nice picture, well Aquarium salt add's essential electrolytes, It improves gill function and helps disease recovery aka tonic and stress reducer. But once added to a tank the salt does not evaporate and will not filter out. So only use as directed with each water change. check out The Fish Keeper, Nature's Disease Remedy & Immunizing Treatment "Keep Your Fish Alive!" it has helped me a lot and can cure your fish faster than any other product and what make's it so great is that it contain's no chemical's hard to find now a day's. And how many time's a week do you water change?