One sick fish left, should i put him out of his misery??


Large Fish
Apr 14, 2003
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So i got a fungus problem in my tank. Cloudy eyes and slimey skin.

In the last three weeks i've lost the following fish(i know i keep repeating this list, but it's a memorial)

1 parrot fish
1 bit whte gourami
2 tiger barbs
2 bleeding heart tetras
2 baby veil parrots

Right now i have 1 sick fish left. I tried puting him in a plastic tupperware bin for a few days with ick medicine but he didn't get any better.

Then i put him back with general population because the tupperware had no filter or heater.

I treated the big tank with two doses of Furan II as per the package. He seems more lively now and is eating better, but he still has all this junk dangling off his scales.

Right now no other fish look ill. I still have 3 parrot fish and 2 gouramis.

Since i don't have another treatment tank, should i "remove" the baby veil so he doesn't transfer the fungus to the other fish?

I'd like to see him live, but not at the expense of the other fish in the tank. I am least attached to him, but i don't want to kill a fish if i don't have to. *thumbsdow

I had a gourami that had holes all over its body. I kept it in a 2 gal bowl, and changed the water everyday then dosed it with antibiotics. After a week, he was still messed up, so I sped-up his demise. Fact is, the meds were more expensive than the fish, so I'm just euthanizing from now on rather than try to cure them ... that is unless I have some sort of major monitary investment in the little beasty.


Medium Fish
Nov 29, 2002
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Run some fresh carbon in the filter for a few days to get the meds out of the water, and then do the following things. Add one drop of quick cure per gallon of water everyday until the fish are better. Add one tablespoon of aquarium salt per 5 gallons of water (only once). Turn the temperature up about four degrees. Change 20% of your water each day while doing this treatment. After a few days of changing water, add the appropriate amount of salt back in. This should help your fish.


Small Fish
Oct 23, 2002
Boulder, CO
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Speaking from my experiance:
I lost two Gourami, three platies, three cories and three neons(leaving me with 7 neons) to a disease of some kind. The first fish that got sick was the Gourami, then fish slowly got sick and died over 3-4 weeks with me trying all kinds of treatments.

I would euthanize him. I really hate doing this, and since this problem in my tank occured I have set up a quaratine tank so I never have to deal with deciding between risking the general population and saving a couple of fish. However, I definitly came out a lot worse by treating the whole tank ineffictivly and loosing more fish.

Also, don't use salt as suggested above unless you read up on it. There is a very livly debate on whether or not salt is a good cure and I would suggest you do research on both sides before making a decision. When my above problem occured adding salt with medication was the third thing I tried, it worked no better then the other solutions. In fact I still have no idea why the fish stopped dying, the tank came around seemingly on its own. Like the neons were resistant or something. In any case, some swear by it, others like me are less sure it is a good idea, so do you research.


Large Fish
Apr 14, 2003
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brobro- there were 4 now there are 3 parrots

After last nights water change Ph is 7.2 Amonia is 0

Before the water change the Ph was in the mid to high 6 range. I think that's what started the disease problem.


Large Fish
Apr 14, 2003
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Baby Veil is going into a bucket tonight. I'll give him water from the 55 gallon tank so he's used to it, and refresh it every day for a week. I'll heavily dose it with salt and that's it.

I don't want to sacrifice all the others for him


Large Fish
Apr 14, 2003
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UPDATE: Veil seems OK!

To my surprise the little white parrot was swiming aroung happier and most of the gunk has fallen off him. He is way more active and eating better. He still rubs against stuff every once and a while and i suppose that's him getting the rest of it off himself.

My LPS seems to think it was PH burn. And since the PH went so low it weakened many of the fish.

My three remainig parrots seems very happy, the gouramis seem cool, the pleco isn't hidding anymore and the baby parrot seems ok.

I think im going to do one more decent sized water change this weekend and hopefully the tank will remain nice and healthy.

THanks for everyones advise.


Medium Fish
Nov 29, 2002
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I would treat the whole tank with quick cure as well, its good stuff. How much salt did you put in the bucket? In an earlier post of yours I saw that you said you would "heavily" dose it with salt. Alot of salt can do more harm than good, but it sounds like this helped the fish.