So i got a fungus problem in my tank. Cloudy eyes and slimey skin.
In the last three weeks i've lost the following fish(i know i keep repeating this list, but it's a memorial)
1 parrot fish
1 bit whte gourami
2 tiger barbs
2 bleeding heart tetras
2 baby veil parrots
Right now i have 1 sick fish left. I tried puting him in a plastic tupperware bin for a few days with ick medicine but he didn't get any better.
Then i put him back with general population because the tupperware had no filter or heater.
I treated the big tank with two doses of Furan II as per the package. He seems more lively now and is eating better, but he still has all this junk dangling off his scales.
Right now no other fish look ill. I still have 3 parrot fish and 2 gouramis.
Since i don't have another treatment tank, should i "remove" the baby veil so he doesn't transfer the fungus to the other fish?
I'd like to see him live, but not at the expense of the other fish in the tank. I am least attached to him, but i don't want to kill a fish if i don't have to. *thumbsdow
In the last three weeks i've lost the following fish(i know i keep repeating this list, but it's a memorial)
1 parrot fish
1 bit whte gourami
2 tiger barbs
2 bleeding heart tetras
2 baby veil parrots
Right now i have 1 sick fish left. I tried puting him in a plastic tupperware bin for a few days with ick medicine but he didn't get any better.
Then i put him back with general population because the tupperware had no filter or heater.
I treated the big tank with two doses of Furan II as per the package. He seems more lively now and is eating better, but he still has all this junk dangling off his scales.
Right now no other fish look ill. I still have 3 parrot fish and 2 gouramis.
Since i don't have another treatment tank, should i "remove" the baby veil so he doesn't transfer the fungus to the other fish?
I'd like to see him live, but not at the expense of the other fish in the tank. I am least attached to him, but i don't want to kill a fish if i don't have to. *thumbsdow