ooooo la! la! i have some sexy snails!


Medium Fish
Apr 12, 2009
i have an apple and a mystery snail. they have been trolling around the tank minding their own business until today. my baseball sized apple and my quarter sized mystery were making some apple mystery love earlier. now they cant stay away from each other. i am starting to wonder if the mystery is just a tiny apple as i cant find anything that says they would naturally mate. :confused:


Small Fish
Sep 16, 2006
winnipeg manitoba
many snails called "mystery" snails are apple snails, i believe the mystery tag was added because it is so hard to tell certain apples apart

some apples will indeed interbreed, the best example of this is the columbian ramshorn(which is really an apple snail, not ramshorn) and the asolene spixi
these two will breed togeather

the offspring are a hybrid that can cause alot of grief

the columbian rams will eat other snails and spixi will eat plants, the offspring will be a plant eating canibal that is of little use in either a planted tank or a snail tank