Oops! Forgot the introductions!

Apr 14, 2004
Minnesota, USA
Visit site
Can you see my sheepish grin?! I have been chatting with a few experienced aquarists here and haven't even had the decency to introduce myself. Shows how much of a rookie I am.

I currently don't have any fish. I am doing a lot of research before I actually place a living creature in an enviroment of my own making. I have seen too many friends set up new tanks and dump in 10 fish after the first week and have them all die. I have even had a few friends blame the pet stores for selling them sick fish. It's like bringing home a full grown siberian tiger and telling your roommate it was their own fault they got mauled. Alright, maybe that's an extreme analogy.

I like it here. Everyone is so patient.

AJ the Rookie