opaline gouramis?

Jun 15, 2004
Toronto, Canada
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i love these guys. i've been looking them up and researching them quite a bit.
i have recently started up a 30 g tank. it's done it's cycle and i'm looking to stock it.
right now i have 2 platies
4 neons
4 harliquins
4 cory's
4 zebra danios
and a pleco
would it be too much to ad 2 opaline gouramis? i keep getting mixed adult size information. some places say 4" some say 6".
i just want a healthy happy aquarium. and i think this last addition would make it just right.
if i could get any input that would be amazing.


Small Fish
Jun 15, 2004
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Gourami have great personalities and they're fun to watch but every gourami I've kept have turned into little murderers, more so around feeding time.

My current gourami will corner any fish that trys to aproach food at the top of the tank until after he's eaten everything. Then he'll rest for a few before moving to down to do the same thing at the bottom to my cories. In my experience Gourami are pigs and will pretty much claim and eat any food that enters the tank.

About the only thing he doesn't get agressive towards are the snails, although he does knock them of the tank walls from time to time. Probally because he thinks the're eating something he would like to try.

I've kept gourami for years and never run into a peaceful one. So if you're after a peaceful community I'd go with something other than a pair of gourami because more often then not they will bully your other fish.

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