Opinions needed on Rams and gouramis

Aug 13, 2011
What type of Ram do you like better? Who is more peaceful? Also do they have to be in pairs to stay peaceful?
Bolivian ram Or German Blue?

The same question applies, but now,
Honey Gouramis or Dwarfs?



Superstar Fish
Smaller so-called peaceful cichlids like the Rams and kribs do best in a tank when there is ample hiding spots to claim as their territory. These type of peaceful cichlids will/can wreak havoc on community type fish while defending it so extra space is needed. I would suggest at least a 50G tank with plenty or places for them to stake out as their own. If going with either rams or both, the honey gourami is fine to. You can not mix dwarf and full size gourami's though. Just like you can not mix the honey with the moonlight. One Krib can be added with either the rams or the gourami as well, just as long as its only one Krib. While mating Kribs can be very aggressive and may hurt the gourami. Rams can do fine with pairs, singles, or more.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
with cichlids it depends on the fish...ive had nasty ones and some thatre fine. cichlids are more aggressive with they breed and will protect their eggs viciously against anything that comes near including you....if you get a couple males theyll be fine with one another generally. Bolivian rams and germans are diff in size...and the germans are generally a lot pretty. never noticed a difference in aggression levels based off type though.

how big is your tank?

because gouramis are labrityth fish theyll spend more time atmid to top levels and wont come in too much contact with any bottom dwellers like dwarf cichlids. And gouramis are more like bettas where they are soliatary so you want just one to a tank. big enough tank you could pull off a couple dwarfs maybe. just lots of fake/real plants to break up line of sight


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
I actually had a bad experience with my gold ram and honey gouramis. The ram showed no aggression previously but when I added the honeys it seemed that the ram mistook them for other male rams! He settled down a bit but never did stop being somewhat aggressive towards them . . . .