Opinions needed, please


Small Fish
Jan 2, 2005
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I have 4 Malwaian Cichlids. 2 of them are Red Zebra (pretty sure both females), One is a male Kenyi, and one is a Albino of the same type, but not sure of the breed. http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f244/wandat25/albino.jpg is a pic of it. I am not real sure if it's male or female.... Been told male.
I have them in a 29 gallon tank with 2 caves made of flower pots, 2 small logs, and about 15 sandstone pieces making more hidding spaces (caves). It has been sujested that when I do my upgrades I should put my young (6 inch) Oscar into my 135 and the cichlids along with half a dozen more females into the 55 I am planning for my young Oscar (which from experiance I know will be perfect for him for a while). Then do away with the long 40 he's in I had planned for the cichlids. I would not have a problem at all of gettng a couple more females to put in the long 40 with them, but honestly my 135 is planned for my 15-20 fish I have now, my 4 Cory Cats, a plan pleco and a shrimpery I have in a 29 gallon tank (they are all in a 29 gallon right now includeding the shrimpery). From what I have read the 4 cichlids I have will be fine as long as they have plenty of hidding spaces (if the albino is a male I will Probbably need to add more females when I move to the 40 at the mid of March). They are all under 3 inches (maybe at 3). Here are some pics of each of them.
2 of the Kenyi::

2 of the female Red Zebra::

and one of the other Red Zebra (as I have been told it's a female)::

Just for showing off a pic of my Oscar::

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Small Fish
Jan 2, 2005
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More information I found

This is more I found on the Kenyi (which is the one I was told is the worst of the 4, and probablly need to get rid of....):::

Pseudotropheus lombardoi:
These are also known as Kenyi cichlids. Males are bright yellow with black vertical stripes. Females are a bright to light blue with black vertical stripes. Really aggressive and territorial. Keep at least 2 females to 1 male to split up aggresion. And have plenty of places to hide, Full grown (~5") they can eat feeder fish, although jeuveniles are also capable of tearing feeder guppies apart. These cichlids are mouthbrooders, and the female will hold the fry for about 1/2 to 2 weeks then in three days after they hatch they will spit them out. They go very well with almost any malawi cichlids.


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Please forgive me, but I am a bit confused. Are you moving the Africans to a 55gal or a 40gal? Or are you asking if it is alright to keep them in the 29?

Nice pictures of the fish btw!


Small Fish
Jan 2, 2005
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I am planning on moving them to a long 40 gallon tank by mid March. I was told that instead of moving them into it I should put my 6" Oscar into the 135 I'm getting and put the Cichlids into the 55 I have. When I do that I was told to add another 6-8 females. But, if I do that I will be out a tank for my pleco, 8 Cory Cats and my shrimpry along with my Playties and Mollies. I'm wanting to know everyone's opinions on keeping with y plans of putting the 4 Cichlids I have and maybe 1-3 more females into the Long 40 as long as I have plenty of places to hide. I was told that the Kenyi will be really mean, but he seams to stay by himself away from the others.
If I can get away with just the 4 I have now without having to add the other females I'd be happy, but if needed I'll get a few more females.

Last edited:
Aug 23, 2005
bellaire, ohio
put the oscar and pl*co in the 135, oscars look so much better and happier in big tanks, and yours is beautiful. you might even be able to find him a female companion, iv seen the videos of the liplock they engage in when breeding, i would love to see it for myself, im having the battle for the bigger tank with my wife now so i can make that dream come true. she's winning though.