Opinions on Filters & Heaters requested


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
I am graduating to a 55 gallon tank.  Got it used - has a Perfecto tank & hood (2 15 watt 18'' lamps) on an RJ stand with canopy.  So I need to buy filter and heater.  

LFS pushing an Emperor 400  $75
BigAls lists the Emperor 400  $39
BigAls also lists the Emperor 280 for a 55g tank  $39

There is also AquaClear 300
Hagen Fluval Plus (4)
TetraTec  PF300

What do you like?

As for the heater, I thinking 200 watt,  so contemplating

Hagen Tronic 200 w
Visi-Therm  200 w
Ebo-Jagers 200 w
Marineland Dua Temp

What do you like?

I am trying to be as pennywise as possible, without comprimising quality.  I'm in no immediate rush - I am going to refinish the stand and canaopy.  

Also - the tanks has some minor interior scratches.  Once filled those should be barely visible - right?  But what if algae get's in there?  It would be difficult to clean it out of those scratches, wouldn't it?  Is there something I can do to reduce - close - those scratches?

55 gallons IMHO is big - a show tank for your house.  It's going to be in the main living room so I want it to be as beautiful as the furniture and comfy for the fish.  


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The filter question is easy and I am sure everyone will agree:

BigAls lists the Emperor 400  $39

The heaters are a matter of preference - the hagen tronics are fine but if you don't mind spending an extra $20 the ebo or the visis are quite good.

you might want to look at getting 2 100 watts instead of 1 200 watt but that is just a thought, just incase one dies the other one won't fry the tank.   in this case you could get 2 cheap hagen normal heaters and not worry about it

I have been using old dirty cheap used hagen heaters for over a year and have never had an accident *knock on wood*

you can get plastic pot scrubbers from your grocery store which make short work of algae in scratches   .    You didn't mention this is a glass tank so I assume it is.  I have never fixed scratches.  I recommend just selecting the least scratched side to face towards people .  once you get a tank full of plants and fish people won't notice the scratches. they will notice the fish and plants  :)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yeah, is it glass or acrylic? If it is an acrylic tank, you could buff the scratches out, or fill them in, or in other words, repair it before you fill it. If it is glass, well, pick the least scratched side for viewing, and use your decor wisely.

I agree with the whole two 100 watt heater thing instead of the one big 200 watt thing. You'll be better able to heat the extreamities of the tank that way, and get better convection current. I'm a Hagen Tronic submersable heater fan myself.

Definately go Emperor 400, but hey, if you're gonna spend that type of money anyway, two Penguine 330s or two Aqua Clear 200s, one on either side of the tank, would also work instead of the one mega filter thing. I don't know why more people don't do things like that *shrug* but that's always been what I thought would be better.

Good luck and keep us updated.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
I also agree with the 2 100 watts, and I'm another Hagen Tronic fan.. but I hear Ebo Jagger's are one of the best.. But they coe with a hafty pricetag.. I have enough problems affording a Tronic.. and it's one about $30 for a 50 watt


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You don't shop at Petco do you dattack? *snork* A Hagan Tronic 50 watt heater is $21.99.  My 100 watt was $22.79, and the 150 and 200 watts go for $27.99 easy.

The lesson here folks? Inflation bites.

You can get cheaper elsewhere of course, but you didnt hear that from me.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
That's right, I never thought of 2 filters on the same tank.  a pair of biowheels would be great but two 330's might be a tad powerful for a 55 ?   what is the size down from 330 ?   what about two emperor 280's ?

it's easy to suggest this when it's not our money  ;D

Personally I overfilter my tanks,  with at least 2, preferably 3..  65 gallon = fluval 303, fluval 4, pro 4, 65 gallon AC500, E400,  80 gallon Eheim 2226, AC300, E400, 15 gallon two ACmini's, and so on, and so on.... :eek:


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
Oooops, sorry guys.  It is a glass tank.  

What did you think of these prices?  Sounds like BigAl's is pretty competetive, and their shipping costs are minimal (for orders over $150.00 shipping is under $12.00)  And as I mentioned - I am in no rush because of the work I'm doing on the stand/canopy.

2 100 watt Tectronic sub. heaters  $15.99 each
I'm fine with this, I had actually wondered if this wouldn't be a better idea, would eliminate cold pockets...

and I checked the prices on the heaters at BigAl's for you, Pooky125.
Ebo-Jager 50watt is $14.00
Tronic 50 watt is $16.00

As for the filters, here's what I found out:

Emperor 400   $39.00
           280   $33.00

Aqua Clear 200  $15.50    (x2 = $31.00)

Penguin 330   $23.50   (x2 = $47.00)

The Emperor has a pair of spray driven Bio-Wheels.  I like the idea of wet/dry filtration - Bio-Wheel seems to be the way to go.  
If I went with the Aua Clear, I could add a Marineland Pro 60w/Powerhead 1140, but for one it's $39.99... So looks like the Emperor 400 would be my best priced item.  

Any final thoughts...?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
BigAls seems like your cheapest bet.

Oh and Somonas, you're talking to the chick that has a 330 on her 20 gallon high. I am all about filtration<G>. And like you said, it is easy to suggest things with other people's money<G>.

Stick to the Emperor. seems like that would be your best bet for the cost if you like the biowheels. I love my biowheels, keep my gold fish nice and sparkly clear<G>!


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
LOL!    ;D

The best thing about biowheels is you never have to worry about killing your biological during filter maintenance.   I take out the blue filter pad and rinse it under very warm tap water...   to get it clean as possible.. I thought about dipping it in bleach  too.   The biological is in the wheel so who cares if you kill what is on the sponge ?

Emperors are great.  Anything with a biowheel is great.

Oct 22, 2002
Hay man if you have'nt bought the filter yet why not consider a canister filter. You can get a Filstar xp2 for a 55 gal. for 82 bucks at bigalsonline. But if you just don't want to spend that kind of money on a filter then you must get the Emperor 400. The bio wheels are in my experience quite amazing. *thumbsupsmiley*


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
You could place a canister filter, such as fluval 404, (I run an Eheim 2028), and have two outlets. I tee mine off, one to a Bio-Wheel Pro 30, & a regular outlet jet stirring the surface  This way you have multiple ways of setting up current flow through tank. Plus you have a extra bioload capabilty, which can tranfer to another tank if needed or jump start a new tank with cultured biowheel. *thumbsupsmiley*


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
;)Hey Colesea and Somonas. I'm fascinated with all this talk of multiple filtration here. My 55 gal is fairly new (about 3 months - finished cycling) and I'm looking to change the power filter that came with my kit. I want crystal clear water. Of course, I want to save money too. Right now, my algae and plants are fighting each other since I put in the power compacts but I think the plants are winning.LOL Seriously though, I do want the polished water look for my big tank. Will super filtration do that? What media?



Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
From what I understand, if you're looking for the "polished" look, you want to run a dimacious(sp?) earth filter two to three times a week. I'm not familiar with the different brands of dimacious earth filters out there, but the concept behind them is this.

Dimacious earth is all the little left over tests of long ago forgotten silicate shelled sea critters. Ever see pictures of the White Cliffs of Dover (and anybody who's seen -Robin Hood Prince of Thieves- has), that's dimacious earth. It's a very very very fine particulate clay. Apparently when used as a filtration device, it is really awsome about trapping all the gunk and junk that regular filter floss will miss.

I think these are very very pricey though.  Personally, I use an awful lot of manual labor to keep my tanks spotless, and I don't have live plants, so I don't have algae because I don't keep light on my tanks.  Penguine biowheels also do a very good job with bacterial filtration, but I don't know if they're useable with planted tanks because the bacteria will compete with the plants for neutrients.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
If you are never going to plant this tank to where it is co2 depended, The emporors are great.

If you think you might one day, or do plan on using co2 and plants, I would recommend a HOT magnum with a bio wheel (the Hot magnum pro) A great little filter that has a seperate bio wheel. It can hold some ceramic media in the filter as well if you decide to not use the bio wheel in the future.

It is very easy to clean(easier than my magnum 350's) and comes with a micro filter for polishing. Just an option.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I find it can be done, having plants with a bio-wheel. But I think you will be losing more Co2 than you would want.

Here is an old setup, no ferts,no co2(except from fish). It has a bio-wheel 60 on it(two 30's).
It has plants just to have them, no real scheme, but the plants did well in it.


But I perfer no bio-wheel when Co2 is added.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
I never had any problems with plants & Bio-Wheels on any of my tanks. I just add fertilizer, and lighting. My friends tanks either. Tanks are heavily stocked though, so could possibly be factor to plant growth, due to CO2 from fish, and nitrates from big bioload. *twirlysmiley*