hi all. just after your oppinions. in my tank at the minute i have a pair of tuxedo swordails, an albino cory (planning on getting a couple more when my LFS has restocked), 4 baby bristlenose pleco's (about 2-3cm big) 2 albino 2 browns (planning on growing 2 out and swapping them in my LFS for credit) and today i put in 2 female betta's. they were a little intrigued by the britslenose's and followed them round abit but they didnt go for them or even fan their gills at them. evrything seems ok. but i was thinking of maybe adding a male betta ? what are your views on this ? will it be ok or will the male not get on with any of my currrent fish ? or the females even ? any oppinions will be gladly welcome.
thanks rickie.
thanks rickie.