optimal betta living environment

I got myself a 5 gallon eclipse tank (the corner one not the tall hex one). and thinking of slowly putting a betta in there with some cherry shrimp and probably 2 single colour guppies (that way they don't upshow the betta to attack). right now i have two fake coral decorations with really cool rubbery tendrils that are soft and would move with a light current but i was wondering what do bettas like? i've heard they like tunnels and stuff so i'm thinking of getting a small black pvc pipe and cutting it in half to fit into the tank. my gravel is black too so it should be hidden easly. right now i'm wondering if it's a good idea to add maybe one or two stalks to tall fake green plants and also wanting to add a mini powerhead to the bottom of the tank to swish the coral decorations around for a cool effect. Would they like tall plants or short plants? and also would the power head be too much for the betta's swimming ability washing them to one side of the tank? the filter is on the hood which has a light current already. sounds like a whirlpool i'm running. any help would be great.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Most bettas dont like very much current...although there are some that do. You just need to make sure and remember when you get it out of a cup in the store...it has been used to no water movement whatsoever...and it takes awhile for them to work up those swimming muscles.

If you put a big enough decoration in the tank...sometimes it allows somewhere where the betta can get away from the current.

The pvc idea sounds cool...just make sure there isn't anywhere that the betta can get up underneath and get stuck. We had a member recently that happened to and it was so sad :(

I never had a problem with the betta going after guppies...only with the guppies nipping at the betta's tail.


Superstar Fish
I'd avoid the guppies personally - it isnt just because the betta will/may attack them..it is equally important for the betta's safety from the guppies.

Get some tall plants AND short plants. Try to get silk ones if you can. Betta's fins can get torn fairly easily on plastic plants, especially ones that have sharp edges. You may want to try getting some with larger leaves - many, if not most, bettas are so lazy that they'll love resting on them.

The PVC pipe should work alright. It will just act as a cave for them, which many also like.

I'd also avoid the powerfilter. Bettas are "built" for fairly low-current areas, and in a 5g, even a small powerhead might be too much when combined with the regular filter's current.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Ditto on guppies .. they don't mix, not just coloration but fins and also guppies will invade his space (mid to top level) so he will not like it.

Generally, bettas prefer their own space, and don't like company.