Options for 20 gal (High) Tank

Apr 30, 2003
I currently have 2 tanks that are not setup to my liking.

First of all, I have a long-time running 10 gal tank. It has a standard fitting single strip hood with an 18" 15 watt fluorescent light. A Whisper Junior power filter runs the show. Currently there are 5 serpae tetras in this tank.

Secondly, I have a 20 gal (high) tank that has not been running for more than a few months. It also has a standard fitting single strip hood with an 18" 15 watt fluorescent light. It has had few inhabitants and currently houses a single pleco.

It seems that lighting is one of my biggest problems. I have avoided the issue by using rocks, ornaments, and fake plants. However, I have grown past this stage and wish to create a better environment for the fish. This could entail the use of plants, but I am new to that field and could use any suggestions you have, including the lighting.

Another possible hinderance is my gravel. Each tank contains small pebbles of granite (reddish mix in my 10 gal and white in my 20 gal). I realize that normal gravel is not ideal for plants, if I decide to add them. What would be best for my substrate?

Also, I noticed a drastic loss of color in my serpae when they were in my 20 gal with the white gravel. Are there any fish that the light gravel wont be a problem for?

In addition, I have had problems with the height of the 20 gal. I have not been able to utilize the space properly. I have considered creating a solely Amazonian setup, but I am not sure if this is feasible. I have even gone so far as to look into creating some type of 'vivarium' for my 20 gal tank. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions that you all might have.

Sorry for the load of questions but they just keep coming!