Orange Chromide


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Indian, brackish - have you tried a google search on the scientific name, or the genus Etroplus.
Live in seagrass zones in brackish estuarys, primary wild food is the fry of green chromis(!)


Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I have a pretty good 'fish encyclopedia' and this is what is says about the Orange Chromide:
Orgins: Asia, found in western coastal areas of India and Sri Lanka
Size: 3"
Diet: Prepared Cichild foods and livefood
Water: Temp 68-79 degrees, hard, ph 7.0-7.5
Temperament: Not Aggressive.

The scientific name is Etroplus maculatus

Unlike most ciclids it benefits from being kept in bracking water especially during spawning.

I purchased one about 2 weeks ago and have it in FW (before I realized it liked brackish) and it is doing well. I also have a brackish setup and may move it over eventually.

They're a bit aggressive toward eachother. Generally peaceful with other fish but they'll give a chase every once in a while.

1 can be comfortably housed in a 20gl. 30gl minimum for a pair. They're secretive spawners, using a vertical flat surface or the underside of a horizontal surface. The eggs are green.

I currently have 4 in a 40gl brackish tank. They chase eachother around a lot but there's no biting or physical injury. When stressed they will school tightly. When relaxed they disperse.