Orange Lazer Cories


Large Fish
Sep 25, 2005
New York, US
Well, ive been looking for these and my LFS had them, so i bought 2 of them. They're so cool looking, so i also bought some blooworms for them, cuz i konw they like them. Anyone else have them? I'll try and get some pics up too.

I googled them and found this pic as my computer isnt working right:


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Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
hey, this is kinda off topic but still related... do all cories get to the size of the ones in your picture? I have one of the little "common" cories, I can't remember the name of them, starts with a "t" and I was always under the impression that they stayed really little. Then I saw some green ones and they were about the size of the ones there in your pic. So, I was just wondering if they all got to be about that size, if so cool! I would love for him to get bigger. I know I need about 4 more but for now it is just him. Maybe I can get some more in a couple of weeks. So, anyway, I was just wondering as to their size. Thanks. And congrats on the new ones, they are certainly pretty!


Large Fish
Sep 25, 2005
New York, US
Nope, they're not dyed. They're just a variation, like an albino cory. Besides, if they were dyed, no one would pay $15 bucks for them. Well, i sure wouldnt. Now to wait until they get the other color ones in.