orange wild disscus acting wierd

Oct 22, 2011
hi guys and girls im new on here i was told by a friend that you guys no ur stuff sorry for my spelling but im diclixcic any way my friend has a wild discus and it has not been eating proply at all for about a month and it looks really thin does any no anyhting i can do for it theres no obviose signs of infectin any help wud be really great thanks


Superstar Fish
Discus and many other fish can get stressed due to water conditions, have you tested the water? If so what are the readings of the tests. Also Discus are a cichlid and require very clean water conditions so weekly water changes are recommended for them. You could try to feed them some thawed brine shrimp, not very nutritious but can entice them to eat.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
wild discus arnt orange

if it IS wild then it probably has parasites so any food it eats is eaten up by the parasitic worms.

what is he trying to feed him? try frozen bloodworms (thawed out first) and pass on dried stuff

what size tank? too small of tank leads to bad water which is prob whats making this fish sick

are there any fish in the tank? discus are more comfortable with other discus around.

more info. would be useful. for now do a water change, making sure to use the water conditioner to take out the bad stuff in tap water

Oct 22, 2011

my friend has this big external filter and a huge drum of cycled water and his setup does water changes every three days cause he has set it up were it can do water changes itself hes tried feedin bloodworm daphnia and cyclops but hes jst not bothered about eating the water condition is spot on my m8s been keppin fish for something like 40 yrs lol wen we looked thru a magnafiying glass we cant see any parisites or infection of any sort and he still has lots of colour in him ps how can i tell if it does have worms many thanks guys and sorry for my spelling


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Spelling isn't the problem (although there is "spell check" that would fix some of it), but what makes it difficult is the lack of any punctuation. Periods would help a lot.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
unless he has it attached to pipes he isnt do automatic water changes and idk how hed be doing with tap water without adding stuff anyways

if he has worms..theyll be on the inside and you wont be able to see him. a picture would help a lot.