Order of things to do


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sorry of the length.

I've just obtained a 100 gallon tank and I'm going to make it into a saltwater tank. It's going to be a fish only, not a reef. I've done a ton of reading, and seen a number of posts and talked to the LFS and let me see if this is about right?

1. Clean out the tank, it was a used tank, There is a bit of mold and I'll be using super hot water and an alge cleaning brush.

2. Level the tank

3. Add the salt right into the tank about, add a delcorinator and add the tap water. (will probably get the ro/di or do :D water from the pet store after tank is up and running. I was told us prime, but going to use the one I've used sucessfully in my other fresh water tanks. (Don't fill the water to the top )

4. Have the sand for a dsb in the tank already, I was told about 2 bags of argonite and 2 bags of Live sand for my tank.

5. Empty the sand into the tank. The sand is at the bottom in the salt water already.

6. Get live rock and put it into the tank, and let the tank cycle (how long about a month ??)

7. I have a sump underneath for filtration, and Was going to see about a DYI for a Skimmer, or possibly buy a skimmer.

8. Set up a hospital tank for my new friends.

9. Get a testing kit sometime in there to test the water..

10 Decorations, and lights, I was told a blue and a white would be good. Anything I missed, big small. After all of this I would see about getting some fish.

Thanks, sorry for the length, first saltwater tank, and I wanna do it right. Oh also going to have something on the back wall, vinyl or something to make sure I don't get salt on the walls - (renting for now).
