Ordered some things


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I placed an order to Roe's Marine World today. They had some stuff on sale and then another 50% off when they charged your credit card. It isn't the high end stuff, but its nice and it will get me started with some Palys and Zoes in the tank, I have a few in the tank now but not many. I will take some pics when it comes in, will be mailed Monday for delivery Tuesday. They had something that really looked nice and I was fixing to order it but I really wasn't sure what it was so I didn't, hope you can tell me something about it. Its called, Purple Eye Gonio, its on their Triple Rare Corals page on the bottom of the page : Roe's Marine World I ordered 9 corals, thats all they will fit in one box, and thats all the wife would let me order without shooting me, lol. just kidding about that part.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Good call on the goniopora. It's another flowerpot coral. They have a poor survival rate, especially for newbies.

Looking at the zoas/palys on that site, I see some aiptasia among the corals. It would be a good idea to check them in a container of saltwater (and treat if necessary) before you put them in your tank. Quarantining would be ideal, but if you don't have a QT, make sure you check for pests before putting in the tank.

I'd highly recommend the book "Aquarium Corals" by Eric Bourneman. It basically has almost everything you'd need or want to know about corals. It includes info on coral biology, water, health and a lot of ID/specific species information. It's a great book.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I kinda figured that it wasn't something that I wanted but it sure is pretty. I have a QT tank, and I will put the stuff I bought in there for a few days to check them out. I like to wait a few days before I put the palys and zoes in the big tank to find the best places for them to go. I have found if I do it top quick I put them in the wrong places. Its just a 10g QT tank but I have LR pieces in the tank and have 2 spounge filters for my HOB filter,I keep the spounges in my sump. I take the LR out of the QT tank before I put anything in the QT tank but I do have four or five pieces of pvc fittings in the tank. Anyway, can't wait till Tuesday now.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
u got some good stuff comin! a little, well actually ALOT more than im used to paying but none the less u got some good stuff! i would have skipped on zs50 and gotten xr103 instead only cause i have them both but the rainbow paly's are one of my altime favorite ....alot of the stuff you got is usually available thru elite reef for $10 per frag ;)
oh and the free blue zoos they throw in are pretty sweet too!


Large Fish
Sep 9, 2007
sunnyside of california
kieths been having trouble with the mailing list since its getting to large i suggest going over to reef2reef where he has his own section. he puts his flyers up everytime a new one comes out. i just ordered a frag pack from him 5 nice sized frags for $65 shipped


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I recived the frags today, they really look nice. Two of the larger ones were broke in half but it just gave me two more places to put them in the tank.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I said broke in half, thats not true, the biggest piece was broke in half, about 20 to 25 polyps are attached to nothing and are just laying on a piece of LR in my tank. I don't know what to do with those, will they attach them selfs to the LR or do I need to glue them? The biggest piece of rock that this piece came off of has three polyps left on it and the other piece has none. The second biggest piece in the order was busted into three pieces, but I was able to attche these three pieces to LR in my tank and I think they will be alright. This happened to my order because not enough shipping material was added to the box when it was packaged for shipping, JMO. But, for the pieces that weren't damaged, I am very happy with what I got, nice polyps nice color to them. Its just that the two premiar pieces in my order look like &%#@, so I ain't happy about this.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
You should glue the zoanthids onto rock. They'll attach themselves in time, but it's better to glue them on before they get lost in the tank. Superglue gel works well. Put a little on the rock and the polyp.

** Warning: Be careful when handling zoanthids/palythoas. They're very poisonous. Wear gloves and protective eyewear. They will often squirt into your eyes, causing nasty redness/swelling. Don't handle if you have scrapes/cuts on your hands (and wear some exam gloves from the drugstore). And make sure you keep all parts of zoanthids away from dogs/cats and kids. Wash your hands well after handling them.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Those loose zoas and mushrooms have a way of disappearing if you leave them in your tank. I've had it happen a number of times. I guess fish/crabs/the current picks them up and moves them. Sometimes they show up on a piece of rock somewhere in the tank months later, and sometimes they don't. :)


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Sorry, my wife takes all the pics and she has been busy but I will get her to take some tommrow, we have the grandkids tonight so it will be tommrow before she can get to it. She took alot of pics last nite and if she didn't delete them I will see if there is some on there that I can post.