Oscar and a Red devil?


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Can I put an oscar and a red devil in a 90g, or will the RD beat the crap out of the oscar? My RD is pretty tame and doesnt even eat the corry cats from the botton of my tank. I had a jewl in with him before and he didnt even bother the jewl. Hovever, the RD is only 4" right now, so I dont know If he will get more visious with age. Do you think that an oscar can handle himself in there? If not, are there any suggestions of tankmates for my RD in a 90g? Preferably something that has the personality of an oscar...or even something more aggressive.



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
oscars are puppy dogs compared to red devils...go for another big central american cichlid, like a jack dempsey. Your devil will most likely beat the crap outta an oscar when he gets a bit bigger.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I would think the Jack would be worse than a red devil.

My friend has an Oscar with a Red Devil and a Jack in a 100 gallon(among other fish), and it is fine.The dempsey he says is the boss, but they all get along. If you change it's territory before adding the Oscar, and dont plan on adding another RED for breeding, I think they would tolarate each other.