Oscar Folks

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
I recently joined Oscarfish.com :: Home because I wanted to be part of a forum dedicated specifically to oscars! Anyone wanna come join me? :D

Anyway, someone on there shared a link to a video they found, so I thought I'd share it here. It's worth taking a look at. Makes me wanna run out and find a mate for Triton.

YouTube - Oscar mit Jungfischen


Ive been a member since Feb 4...LOL Fair warning... It is a completely different world over there. Conceit and pushy people. Very knowledgable but they get LOTS of forum trolls :) And they do the same as here :) Freshies and saltis alike. Not just dedicated to Oscars.

FYI for 2 OS you need a 125G tank to handle both bio-loads plus a small school of dithers. AND there is no guarantee that both Os will get aong. 2o's in a 4ft long tank is a big nono! Not enough space to form proper territories :) Oh. and there is no way to sex an oscar :) Only tried and true way is to see one O depositing eggs the other following :) And even then 2 Females can lay together :)

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Hehe, don't worry Heather...I was mostly kidding around about finding Triton a mate. It would be cool if doing so and breeding them were more practical, but obviously it's not really feasible, as you pointed out. Besides, another oscar (assuming I were to put them in a bigger tank together) would just detract from Triton anyway. I want him to remain king of the tank! ;)

About the other forum...do you go by the same username there?
I totally agree about what you said in terms of the numbers of trolls, etc., but let's face it, there's morons everywhere...including here. It's just a matter of weeding them out and ignoring them. Get to know who the members are who actually know what they're talking about, and then just listen to them; albeit with a grain of salt, as always. ;)

Nice part of it is that they've got a huge section dedicated specifically to oscars. Sure, they've got a 'general FW' section and a 'chit-chat' section...blah blah blah...but the real 'meat' of the site is in the 'oscar advice' section---the 'photo' section is pretty cool too.

Overall, it's helpful to have a number of knowledgeable people all in one spot who have kept oscars for years. We don't (to my knowledge) have that many folks with oscar experience here, aside from perhaps one or two individuals.