Oscar on its side and what size tank does it need?


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I just got an Oscar a couple of days ago and I am new to the fish world.  I have noticed that sometimes he goes on his side and just kind of floats there.  Do you know what could be the cause of it?  Also right now i have him in a ten gallon tank and he is around 2 to 2 and a half inches.  I am planning on getting a bigger tank but do u know when i will have to get it (how fast they grow) and what size I should get?... I have read articles that say 75 to 100 gallon tanks are needed for only one oscar but is this true or are they just trying to make up by more then u need.  Thanks in advance  


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
southern Ohio
Re: Oscar on its side and what size tank does it n

you need AT LEAST a 55 gallon tank for him.  I have 1 oscar in a 55, and I feel that he needs more room.  He'll get it when I can afford it!  lol.  But the 10 gallon wont do.  Oscars grow fast...at least mine did.  I have had mine less than a year.  He was about 3 inches long when I got him....he is now an easy 12 inches long.  

As for him laying on his side, that is not normal.  Im not good at diagnosing fish diseases, so I cant really help you out there....but Im sure someone will reply to you that will know more about fish illnesses than I do.

Good luck...and get a bigger tank asap!!

Make sure he gets some live food as well.  At his size, you would need feeder guppies, or small feeder golds.  Ghost shrimp will work to if you cant find guppies, or small enough golds.  Keep him on a pellet diet also.  Several companies make them just for Oscars.  So you shouldnt have a problem finding them.

Good Luck  *celebratesmiley*


Oct 22, 2002
we have an oscer right now but our first oscer was wild about food he would eat 12 medium peletts at a time when he was small it would look like he was about to choke on them he grew very fast he was 5 inchs in no time we got our secound oscer he is the only one in the tank we sold the other one a long time ago they do grow fast and don't buy very small fish or he will more than likely eat them. we got ours in a 75 galon but our first oscer was in a 55 galon and he did well in a 55 Hang :)