Oscar Question (tank size)


Medium Fish
Apr 14, 2003
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I am asking this question for a friend of mine who seems to have fallen in love with oscars. The only problem is that we are both students and don't have very much disposable income to spend on fish. We have gone to the LFS several times and have concluded that a tank over 50 gallons is too much money, but he is still intent on getting an oscar. I have been trying to tell him that an oscar probably won't fit in the tank, but he wants to get one anyways. The only plus is that he only wants to get one. The tank that he has right now (and is planing to keep the oscar in) messures 40"x12"x20" (not sure how many gallons that is). I have told him that 12" deep will not be enough but I need some other opinions. Is 12" deep ok? Am I wrong? Thanks for your time.

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Well, first of all full grown Oscars need a 75galon aquarium to be happy. Of course you can always get a small Oscars and have his tank grow with him. If you are looking to buy a big tank DO NOT look or by one from a fish store brand new. They will only rip you off. Look in the Classifeids of you newspaper, look at Antique shops, pawn shops, online Class. anywhere to fined a cheap used tank. Its not that hard, I get almost all my tanks that way.
Oscars are great fish with great personalitys. If you have the room for one you will not be disapointed!!