You could probably get away with a sword plant or two, some jungle val (not corkscrew), and possibly some anubias and crypts.
However, you will have to grow them for a while first. The sword and val should not be a problem. They develop very, very large root systems, and are next to impossible to get out. Before a remodel, I used a soil substrate, and was trying to pull the sword plant out. I pulled the 30g tank, still with all it's substrate and a half-inch of water, off the stand trying to uproot the sword! I finally got it out, along with half the substrate attached to it's roots.
Anubias and crypts might be a problem. Most fish (or all fish that I myself am aware of) don't eat anubias, so you might try to find an anubias v. barteri or coffeefolia. They grow fairly large, but very slowly. You might be able to use Cryptocorne wendtii's or balansae as well (they also grow slowly). Use root tabs like Jobes, Miracle Grow, etc. to help them out.
Obviously, stem plants are out of the question, but if you can grow some nice rooted plants first, you might be OK. Swords and Val are almost a definite yes. If they get eaten on, they can be easily grown at such a rapid rate that it doesn't really matter if the fish eat them. When settled, the fish would have to have excavating experience to get them out!