oscar toys!


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
ok so im sitting here eating cottage cheese
reading up on oscars
and ideas for toys....though i dont think they actually "play" with them like a dog does, i think they get bored and so i need toys in the tank. ader.

-so i was thinking about supergluring ping pong balls to string or fishing line and making like a baloon area for him by the filter. the baloon balls with bob in the water!
-platic dog toys and put holes in them and sink them in the water for him in his "play area"
-bunch of fake plants on one side of the tank for him to tear up
trying to think about dogs and their toys...hmm...
-get bobbers in the tank and float things with those

anybody else have ideas? things theyve done in the past and plan on doing for your oscar?

btw...the cottage cheese tastes weird...its like hard. *gags*


Large Fish
Jan 8, 2007
corrupt lfs
You guys are nuts with the oscars...

No experience with them but my urophthalmus (large CA cichlid) seems to keep himself occupied all day by moving pieces of lace rock rubble.

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Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
not nuts...just slightly intent on being insane :)

maybe i will get a bunch of little stones in there, make it look at river like :)

O! maybe i could make like a hill around something and he could have a cave!

and maha....mmm no...cause then i would feel sad lol...cause i would end up naming the goldies and then id have to make them all cozy...then i would see them devoured behind my back *cries at the thought*

Jul 13, 2007
I have a bubble wall also, and De La Hoya loves it too, thou I've never seen him chase the bubbles, but he'll sit in the streams of bubbles and just looks so happy! I do like the golf balls idea though, I might try that.