
Jan 15, 2006
I just got my first two oscars. I was wondering if there is any type of special way they need to be treated. I got them in the 20 gallon now and the rest of the fish in the 10. They arnt that active esp. conartist the black one of mine. Psychopath is doing just fine. Just wanting some info so i can raise them to be big and strong and weird. So any advice on how to raise psychopath and conartist?


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
An upgrade is a good plan, but they won't last a year togeather in a 20 gallon. They grow really fast, need clean water and once they start putting a little size on them they are going to need teritories of their own. You can't get this in a 20 gallon.

A 55 will probably work if you have a pair (male and female), but a 75 would be better for just two.

Aug 23, 2005
bellaire, ohio
using a 55 for my pair didnt work out for me. i bought mine very small and put them in the 55, as everyone warned me, one become the boss and the other spent all his time defending himself. One Oscar needs a 55 to himself, i have plecos in mine also which i probably shouldnt even have those but i try to do the extra water changes. Oscars grow about 1 inch a month, one in a 20 gallon is extreme overkill even if its small, you should be upgrading to a 75 or a 90 in a month or two, if you cant do that, you should seriously consider taking them back before you get attached. i had 2 in a 55 and i had to give one away because one was bullying the other after like 2 or 3 months and my water parameters were so crazy i was doing water changes every 3-4 days.

check out www.oscarfish.com for more info.