ionly have a five gallon tank im just starting out with my fish. Unfortunately i dont know what kind african maybe they are black with blue stripes sorry i dont have more info.
You could also do an image search on google with the word Mbuna - see if anything seems familiar
BUT - to cut to the chase - I doubt if you're going to have room for more than two fish in a 5 (actually - I doubt you'll even have room for two, but let's roll with this for now.....)
If wht u hv is frontosa u need to multiply ur tank size by 12. If its a mbuna multiply it atleast by 8.
But wht u hv (5 gal) can accomodate only a pair of tetras or minnows, guppy or a betta.
My guess is you got a Pseudotropheus demasoni or a Melanochromis johannii. Tank is wayyyyy to small for these fish. Other African cichlids are compatible BUT not with this tank.