oto or pl*co. Who should leave?


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
Okay have one oto cat in my 30 gal and one 3-4" pl*co. It SEEMS that there is not enough algae to go around possibly. Pleco is out much more often sucking on glass and more recently has been sucking on my plants. Bad pl*co! This newer behavior seems to have started since the addition of the oto cat, who are reportedly amazing algae eaters. I feed veggies to the pl*co every few days. I toss in algae or spirulina wafters every other night but the mollies tend to chow on these so that's not an answer. Just don't want either one to not have enough food. So,...... should I get rid of one or the other? I know pl*co will eventually outgrow the tank but can always be swapped at LFS for a smaller version. Any suggestions? Please offer your comments. Thanks.



Superstar Fish

You could get rid of the pleco, but its a bigger, "nicer" fish than an oto, if you know what I mean.

The oto, on the other hand, could live a nice, long, full life in the tank, without ever growing out if it, but it is not quite as cool or exotic looking. It is more of just a maintenance fish, rather than a more display-ish fish.

Have you tried adding MORE algae wafers? Enough so that everyone could get some? I'd add them everynight, then, what the mollies don't eat, the pleco can. That is what I might try first.

Maybe think about ditching the pleco and adding three or so more otos? They like to be with other otos anyway :)

Good luck :)

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Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
Thanks for the suggestions, H. Pl*cs are nice to look at. I originally got 3 otos but wanted to see what one would do in the 30 gal tank - now I know! Hee, hee. I can put the one oto back in the 50 gal with his two other friends but I never see them all together hanging out or anything and I didn't want to overload that pl*cs food supply. Maybe I will get rid of one pleco in one of the tanks and keep otos in the other. That sounds like a plan. Isn't it funny how you can figure out a problem after just getting a suggestion?? :)

Have to bring two molly juvies and two sword juvies to the LFS anyway for a swap to avoid inbreeding and overcrowding. My babies are finally big enough to let go! Awww.

My 4 ottos in my 24 never school but if you get like 16 or so like I have in my 60 they really get cool. They move in "swarms" through the plants searching on every leaf and rock for algae. Its really fun to watch. If your willing to feed them, go with the ottos and get him some pals. They look way better when they travel through the tank together than if there is only one. That way they turn into a display/anti-algae fish.