Okay have one oto cat in my 30 gal and one 3-4" pl*co. It SEEMS that there is not enough algae to go around possibly. Pleco is out much more often sucking on glass and more recently has been sucking on my plants. Bad pl*co! This newer behavior seems to have started since the addition of the oto cat, who are reportedly amazing algae eaters. I feed veggies to the pl*co every few days. I toss in algae or spirulina wafters every other night but the mollies tend to chow on these so that's not an answer. Just don't want either one to not have enough food. So,...... should I get rid of one or the other? I know pl*co will eventually outgrow the tank but can always be swapped at LFS for a smaller version. Any suggestions? Please offer your comments. Thanks.