
May 19, 2006
I picked up 2 Oto yesterday on a whim :( Bad me! So last night and today I was trying to read up on them to make sure I keep them alive.

I think they found lots to eat when I put them in there.. they acted like it, but now I think they've eaten all the algea.. because they seems to be eating off the rocks on the floor.

So today I put in with them some zuccini and some spinisch.. which was recommended. I am not sure how long it will take them to notice. Also, someone here suggested to put some rocks in fishwater to a window with sun to get some algea to grow, I have done this also.

Are there any more suggestion to make their tummies happy? I am hearing that they do not like the algea-discs... but what are your opinions? If I can hear one person who has luck, I will give it a try. I want to keep my little boys full! I was also suggested to maybe try a type of seaweed?

Thank you!


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
I keep otos in one of my tanks, and they eat nothing but algae. The tank actually has very little algae visible and they have been fine for a couple of years now. A little oto doesn't require much food to fill its stomach.

I too just picked up a trio of Oto Cats. So far they've done good, though the barbs have chased them around when they get too close to the barbs' territory.

I never even thought they would actually run out of food...but I suppose if they do a great job, they might. I have no live plants yet...I may add one to help 'em out.

Feb 18, 2006
WA state
My oto's don't like algae wafers either.
They also don't like green algae, cucumbers, romaine lettuce.

My oto's do like brown/diatom algae and blanched zucchini.

Good luck with yours. I'd like to find more things that my oto's like to eat, but so far haven't come up with much - not too big of a problem though, since their tummies are always full.