Otocinclus cocama (zebra Otto)


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Yes, I've heard of them, and saw them once in an LFS (I didn't get them because there were a lot of sick fish at the store). I think they were about $10 each. They come up for sale on Aquabid occasionally.

You can find them labeled as Otocinclus sp. "zebra" sometimes.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but...Some of what I would consider the most accomplished fish keepers in the world have failed at keeping them alive for more than a few months. I've had trouble with them as well, on more than one occasion.

They start out healthy and seem to be eating, only to slowly waste away months later. All water conditions and foods have been tried to no avail.

Don't let me discourage you. Who knows, you could be the one who figures it out. email Pete from "That Fish Place". petemange54@aol.com put the word PAYPAL in the subject line. He normally deletes emails that don't have that in there. LOL. He has them on a regular basis, and ships out every Wed.

FYI, havn't seen her in a wile but that store is the LFS that prettypleco shops at all the time. Pete is the owner, and a heck of a guy.


Large Fish
Jun 19, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa
Pure said:
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but...Some of what I would consider the most accomplished fish keepers in the world have failed at keeping them alive for more than a few months. I've had trouble with them as well, on more than one occasion.

They start out healthy and seem to be eating, only to slowly waste away months later. All water conditions and foods have been tried to no avail.

Don't let me discourage you. Who knows, you could be the one who figures it out. email Pete from "That Fish Place". petemange54@aol.com put the word PAYPAL in the subject line. He normally deletes emails that don't have that in there. LOL. He has them on a regular basis, and ships out every Wed.

FYI, havn't seen her in a wile but that store is the LFS that prettypleco shops at all the time. Pete is the owner, and a heck of a guy.

That fish place, is close to me, well in the same state i recently registered for a catalog, and after seeing so many good references to the place i have been thinking about taking a drive out there, but its about a 3 hour drive, half way between pittsburgh and philly. so i think ill wait till i have enough money on hand that i can splurge. heh


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
i've never seen them in person, i saw some come up on an lfs website over here a while ago, i think they were about £7.50 each, i was very tempted, but decided not to go for it.