Otto Cat Food

I recently bought Otto cats to clean my brown algae, well it took them two days and they ate it all. I bought algae waffers to supplement their diet but they never go for them and my blood fin tetras eat it all anyways. Is there anything else I can do to feed them? I remember seeing once in someones tank a sponge on the bottom of their tank and algae eaters sucking on it, does anyone know what that was?


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
You can feed them zucchini, cucumbers or home grown algae. For the last put some decent sized rocks in a bowl of water and set it on the window. When the rocks grow algae remove them and put them in your tank. Put new rocks in the bowl wile they are eating on the ones in the tank. This way you have a steady supply.

Sep 11, 2005
Don't take this as serious advice, but I wanted to chime in and say that two of my healthiest otos, who have now been in my 20g tank for a little less than a year, never receive any supplemental foods at all. Not to mention the tank is extremely planted and has little to no visible algae aside from some green dots. Evidently they've been finding food just fine. They're plump, very active and very colorful.

So I'm not saying you don't need to feed them, I'm just saying that I haven't seen a need for it in my virtually algae-free tank. The others have plenty of algae so I can't say anything regarding that. They're eating something' and whatever it is it's doing them rather well.


Large Fish
Mar 21, 2006
u can feed them with algae wafer.if im not mistaken they eat fishfood sometimes.i do prefer to boil the cucumber.about the sponge,is mostly for algaes or dirt to remain for them to eat..........