Outdoor tank set up..

Apr 14, 2005
Hey all! Excuse my noobness please. I've read the stickies and found this site to be totally awesome. Great tips and set up advice!!
Anyway, my wife got an outside tank she'd like me to set up and I 've just got a few questions.
Number one, does anyone even recommend these things? Are they too much trouble to set up and maintain? The only thing this tank came with was a circulation pump. I need to get a filtering system correct? I 'll need to put plants in obviously for shade and cover. Any recommended types? And I need to follow all the set up rules listed in the setup sticky as if it were an indoor tank, correct? Anything else I should know about or do for this to work guys/gals?
Thanks a bunch for any help and thanks for a great site!!


Large Fish
Oct 1, 2004
Frisco, Texas
I would figure a spot where it only gets a few hours of direct sunlight, or even shaded all day would work. Where do you live? I know here in Texas it gets over a 100 degrees during the summer and a lot of my fish probably wouldn't handle that to well. Is the tank really big? I guess it really depends on what type of set-up you are going for. Plants will probably be a must and I would think about getting some filtration just to help remove some of the debris. If the tank is big enough I would put lots and lots of lillies and floating plants in to also help with the temp and light of the tank. Sounds like you could have a lot of fun. Just post some more specifics, like what type of fish, climate of the area, plants, size of the tank etc. and I bet everyone will be able to help you better.

Apr 14, 2005
Duh, sorry!
It's a 15 gallon tank. I live in Louisville, so the heat isn't as drastic as Texas. Winter might be a problem though? As for fish....I've no idea really. This is a first for me so any suggestions will be helpful. I'm a big "green thumb" kinda guy, so I'd love to see all kinds of plants in this tank. The tank will be in the sun for near 6 hours, so I'm kinda worried about that.
Thanks for the help and I didn't mean to be so cryptic. :eek: