Over 30 Fish & 55 Gal. w/ all accesories-30$

Jul 11, 2007
I have a 55 Gallon tank with two 24" Hood Lights, Large Penguin Bio-Filter, Three Amazon sword plants, plenty of natural color pebble substrate, Two Siamese Suckerfish, Two Rosy Barbs, Eight Neons, Three Black Phantom Tetras, Four Red Minor Tetras, Three Neon Swordtails-1-m, 2-f, Three Female Orange swordtails, Seven Baby Female Guppies and 1 Ghost Shrimp to get rid of.
$30 to the first person to speak up and willing to pickup. I have never moved or transported fish before so pickup is a must. I live in Concord NH. If you are certain you want it all and can pickup soon then just call me at 603-746-2318