Over Flow Boxes


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I want to get ya'lls thoughts on an external as opposed to internal over flow box. I sort of don't know which way to go for my new tank.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
That is what I was thinking also. I have sent off for two price quotes from Ocea Aquariums and Miracles Aquariums. Ocea tanks are made in Alabama and is only a 6 1/2 hour drive from my house so I could pick that tank up to save a few $$$. I am still going to look for a used tank though. I can't seem to find anything bigger than a 180g tank aroud where I live.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
id go with an external over flow all the way! not a HOB overflow but a external overflow... by going external your not taking up any space in the tank for the overflow.... if i had the choice that would be the way i went hands down!


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
KahluaZzZ I asked for a price from both companies for Starphire glass on the right side and the front and also just regular glass. I am kinda afraid of the Starphire glass as everything I have heard says it scratches easily and I have put aa few scratches in my 125g trying to keep the glass clean.

TRe I will check on the external overflow, I like the external for the same reason as you do. The Glass Cages companies only offered, with the size tank I wanted, two external overflow boxes, one on either side on the back of the tank, I guess they couldn't just use one because of a weight issue when the boxes were full of water.

I will let you know what kind of prices the come back with. I asked for prices on the tanks to include the price with a stand and canopy, although I would like to build my own stand and canopy. My son in law is very skilled and could build the stand with my supervision, lol.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
external overflows are nice if you have the room behind the tank to accomodate them. I was thinking of the hob type.....If you have room for an external overflow you could also iinstall a closed loop for circulation.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I thought about the closed loop, but think I won't go the route. I plan on placing the tank with enough room to walk around behind the tank. I haven't gotten a price from the two companies that I sent out for quotes from yet.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
One more question: If I were to go with an internal overflow box on a 72x30x25 233gallon tank what size holes should I have drilled in the tank for the overflow line and the return line? If it were an external overflow box of which I think there would have to be two external boxes because of water weight, what size holes would I need, also If the larger tank above cost to much, I will go with a 72x24x24 187gallon tank, what size holes would I need? I am guessing that I would need 1 1/2 inch drain and a 1 inch return line on the internal boxes but not sure about the external boxes.