Over Skimming ???


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
My zoas growth is very low, the polyps couldn't look any better, big and beautiful, just not very many babies, some frags none, some one or two. I have had my hands in the tank alot lately tearing the live rock apart catching unwanted fish, and I am sure this didn't help, but the problem has been going on much loger than that. Water temps are fine around 8o. I am only doing water changes every 2 1/2 weeks now, was doing them every week and figured out my zoas didn't like that and look much better now with less water changes. For a refresher: 125g tank, MH lights and T-5 lights (2 blue two white) The MH and T-5s over lap just a bit on their coming on and going off stages. 200g octopus skimmer, running GFO and Carbon 24 7 also. Flow in the tank isn't good enough for an SPS tank, but good enough for my soft coral, recordia, zoa tank. At one point I was starting to turn my skimmer off 2 days and running it the third day, but the RBTA didn't like that and started moving around the tank, so I started running the skimmer 24 7 again. The RBTA got into my power head and got chewed all to pieces and I never did go back to skimming 1 skipping 2. Skimming is the only thing that I can think of that might be the problem. I used to lose a frag of zoas every so often to melting when when I first started, dosn't happen any more, the polyps get big and look great, just don't grow babies. I have one colony of some green polys, started out with 5 or 6, now I have about a 100 or more of them, have a frag of 9 Armor of Gods I got a year ago, still have 9. I have tried moving them around the tank and where I have them now they like and look the best, just no babies. Have a friend that has great growth and we have talked, the only differance, she runs no skimmer. Other frags I have also stay small.

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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
Not sure what the problem is but I doubt its over skimming.... Ive always had better result with better water quality and that goes for zoas aswell as SPS! Ive got a few frags that havnt done much in 8-9 months and than I have others that have multiplied by 10 in that same time frame... Whats your Cal/Alk? What type of flow do you have in your tank? How long have you been running carbon 24/7?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
i think some zoas just grow slowly. maybe theyve been propagated so many times by fission in the past that they slowed down for w/e reason.
and i use fission instead of fragging because i'm referring to their natural splitting and growing polyps.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
The rule is this. If it's a zoa you want to reproduce it grows super slow. If it's some plain brown looking one no one will buy it will be a weed ;)

I bought 4 nuc green palys on a disk about 3 months ago. When I sold it yesterday if finally had 1 baby.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I picked up some Oyster eggs yesterday and I am going to try and feed the tank about twice a week and see if that will help on the growth rate, am also going to try turnning the skimmer off again for a day or two at a time.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
I dont see turning the skimmer off helping with your problem.... Have you looked into vitamin C? I havnt tried it myself but I know people who claim to better growth when dosing Vitamin C.... Be careful with the oyster eggs not to polute the water :D