Overheat problems..frogspawn spitting PICS


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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Ok since the heat wave, i'm having trouble with my corals..
did water 2 changes in 4 days 'cause i got a 15 ppm of nitrates, usually they are kept under 5.
When i woke up this morning, my ex-recovering frospawn has this stringy-gutsy stuff jammed into 2 tentacles. Last time i saw that is when a mush spitted his zooxanthellae when a lfs guy was playing with it.
As you will see, this stuff is white. I'm 99% sure that it's zooxanthellae..please tell me i'm wrong. The 1 % unsure is that usually zooxanthellae is more brownish..but since the frogspawn is keep under close mh range, it could be whiter than expected. I plan to move it on the sand unless there's a risk.

Since the stringy stuff is glued to the tentacles, i can't see if it could be a missing tentacles eaten by a animal during night.
Even with fans, air conditioner, less lighting i have a steady 84.2 in my apartment. Even during night, even outside.There's no wind outside, humidity is like 90% so it's like 96.8 degree.
My scolymia isn't fully opened, and didn't opened his mouth since last week...tentacles are closed all the time.
I'll shoot the pix now, if anyone has a clue, please tell me.