Overpumping Pumps?

Jun 9, 2009
I have about a 165 gal saltwater tank for about 2-1/2 years now.
I have the two original submerged pumps in a sumptank.
Today the pumps decided to overpump and drain the sump and begin slurping.

I have the tank designed with anti-siphon holes in the event of a power loss it doesn't flood the house.

I have never had any troubles with over pump flow. If anything I had issues with under pump flow.

Right now both pumps are off.

They are not adjustable flow pumps but constant flow type pumps.

My guess is that the flow from the tank to the sump are being clogged by something. I plan on purchasing a snake tomorrow to hopefully unclog my plumbing issue.

Could the pumps be bad? I would think that pumps would get weaker when they fail and not get stronger. ???


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Do you have an overflow box or is your tank drilled? I know that my overflow box became loose one day and rose about 1/2 inch but it was enough to raise the tank level and lower the sump level enough that my return was sucking air. At the time I didn't have an auto top off so I was lucky in a way, now I always check the level of the overflow box in the tank......if not this then something must be blocking your drain lines.....pumps don't speed up if anything they slow down.