Overstocked I guess

Jun 10, 2010
I have a 25 litre Tank and have populated it with 3 Carps, 7 Serpae Tetras, 7 Zebra Danios and a Pleco. I am quite sure I have overcrowded the tank. Also I have planted a few live plants which also takes up space. Though the fishes seem to be ok and seem to be healthy, I was reading a lot of articles and now realize I might be putting them through a lotta stress. I am planning to take back some of the fishes to the store before its too late.
Any suggestions.


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
So you're tank's about 5 gallons..

Carp? Are we talking about koi here? They're very capable of growing 3 times as large as your tank. Only appropriate for huge ponds. I'd return these to the store.

Depending on your pleco, these can (and do) grow to 2 feet long. This should also be returned.

You should also consider returning one of the shoals (personally I'd take back the danios). As OC said, look on Aqadvisor to see the best fish for your tank.

Nov 19, 2008
Des Moines, Iowa
I have a 25 litre Tank and have populated it with 3 Carps, 7 Serpae Tetras, 7 Zebra Danios and a Pleco. I am quite sure I have overcrowded the tank. Also I have planted a few live plants which also takes up space. Though the fishes seem to be ok and seem to be healthy, I was reading a lot of articles and now realize I might be putting them through a lotta stress. I am planning to take back some of the fishes to the store before its too late.
Any suggestions.
if its only 5g then, carp can get over 3 feet long and 1 foot tall, so 1 of those is overstocked even if its a koi, 7 tetras alone your overstocked, 7 danios alone your overstocked, pleco's get around 2 feet and are TOO big alone. to keep1 school of those tetras or danios that size, FOR JUST THEM ALONE, you would need 10g min.

a betta would all that tank would be good for. if you want to keep more fish upgrade to 10g, 20g, or 30g tank.

also fish may seem ok but trust me they are not they are very stressed and cramped. with that size of tank, how do they even swim around with that many fish?