

Large Fish
May 11, 2006
Guelph, ON
I currently have 2 dwarf gouramis (1 powder blue, 1 sunset), 1 betta, and 6 neons in my 32 gallon long planted tank (10 assorted plants). They are all getting along and seem to have enough room to swim or chillout/hideout among the plants and rocks. Is there anymore room to add anything else?

The other three tyes of fish I like are and would most definitely put in if I my tank was bigger:
- 1 bristlenose pleco or 1 rubberlip
-pair of cockatoo cichilds (do they have to be in a pair?)
-1 school diamond tetras (I am not sure how many need to be in a school)

Can I put any of the above in my tank?

May 15, 2006
Central Maine
Depends on how big your fish are. Use the 1 Inch per gallon rule. You should be able to fit 32 inches of fish in your tank. So if your gouramis are 2 inches long, they each count as 2 inches out of 32, etc. You should have plenty of room for a few more.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
You currently have nothing on the bottom, so there should be room for one of those plecos. I think there's also room for either a school of diamond tetras (you want at least 5-6 for a school), or a pair of cockatoo cichlids. I don't know if they really need to be a pair. Personally, I'd go for the cichlids since they'll be something more interesting than just another school of tetras. I like the look of just one school, rather than 2, but that's just me.


Large Fish
May 11, 2006
Guelph, ON
Yes, I was aware of the possible incompatability between bettas and gouramis when I first put them in together...I started off real slow (1 betta, 1 gourami) so they would have lots of room in tank...then kept a real close eye on them. They seem to be doing very well, not one fish is being picked on constantly or cowering in the corner. My betta doesn't have the most aggressive personality but I am prepared to take him out at a moment's notice if things get bad.

I think I will probably go for the cichilds, I have been watching the neons and they are feeling comfortable now so they are all over the place...I think another school will get in the way. We'll see, I'm going to check out the fish store today to see what they have.