Overstocking questions


New Fish
Aug 5, 2010

about a year ago my gf bought me a fuval edge tank and i instantly fell in love with fish keeping and have then since purchased a 29g.

I currently have the 29g stocked with 5 zebra danios, 5 male cherry barbs, 1 clown plecos, 3 oto's and 2 German blue rams.

all of the except the danios like to hang out at the bottom and i would really like add a few hatchet fish to bring some life to the top of my tank. but i am worried about over stocking, do you think a small school of 5 or 6 would be too much?

Feb 27, 2009
Welcome to the tank, oplin!

I don't think the tank would be overstocked, but would be fully stocked. Good choice of fish to take up the 'mostly unused' space.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Welcome Oplin!
Hatchetfish are wonderful fish. Sounds like a nice addition. Just make sure that you have a very tight-fitting lid, and if you are working in the tank with the lid off (i.e. cleaning it, moving plants around), that you first bring the water level down a couple of inches and move gently. In my experience the hatchetfish can be skittish and their first instinct is to jump out of the water - up, up, and away . . . . . on to the floor.