
Too many people are trying to fit too many fish in too small of a tank. how would you like it if you had to share a small room with tree other people? Just put yoursef in there shoes. I dont knwo about you, but i would rather have 2 happy fish, than 10 angry angry-bad-frustrated-sad fish!

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Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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try being a hormonally charged 16 year old male having to share a tiny room with your immature 14 year old bro--i definetly know what you are talking about
we need more info or else this will just become another senseless ramble that we at mft are famous for (j/k) :)


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
Visit site
or the ocean--but let's not even get into what kind of hell you could unleash onto nature by releasing your fish...that's definetly a big no-no
diseases, non-native species competing and eliminating native species, etc, etc
hobbyists in france that released a species of caulerpa in the mediterranean are responsible for the destruction of hundreds of miles of coral reefs--even hobbyists in california have released the same caulerpa, but the govt caught it fast enough
absolutely do not release anything into the wild--nature is already screwed up enough