P.H. question

Feb 27, 2009
What is the pH of your tap water?

We can't overrule what 'mom' says to do, perhaps she needs to post questions here. *laughingc

Just let her know that I have 8 aquariums, and none of mine have a pH over 6.8. Most have 6.2 or 6.4.

I breed 5 different kinds of fish and grow plants in them all. No unexplained deaths in them for 15+ years.

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Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
ok i put the water in the aquarium (10 gal) added some Aquasafe and Cycle to it and thats it. that shouldnt have effected it and the ph was and is still 6.8. me and mom have a deal that if my fish dont die she has to admit she was wrong :D

Feb 27, 2009
yes im addaing amonia and im not sure what the level is...im adding 5 drops a day.
You do not know that level...then you do?

ok honestly you kinda come off as bein a smarty. I have a tester and i test my water. i know when to decrease when the spikes calm down.
Sorry that you did not like my advice. I will not respond further and have removed those responses that I could.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Fishman, it is wonderful that you have chosen to do a fishless cycle. Just keep adding the ammonia as per the instructions you have, while checking daily for the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels (you are using a liquid test kit, right?). Even though you mistyped, it sounds like you know what to look for in terms of the NO2 and NO3 spikes, but check all three measurements daily anyway. And please do post your results here when you think you are cycled (or even as you go along - it would be a great comparative measurement for other readers who are cycling) before adding any fish, just in case the website you are checking isn't giving you the best advice. The experience of people on this forum is outstanding!
And don't worry about the pH at all right now - most fish will acclimatize to any pH within a reasonable bracket. In fact, your lfs' water probably has similar natural pH to what your tapwater has, so those fish are already used to it. The biggest problem for fish is a big swing in pH, which is what will happen if you use a pH up or down product!