Paleatus Cory eggs, yay!


Medium Fish
Aug 14, 2003
I was sitting at my 10 G tank today, just watching the fish swim around when I noticed two white ball things stuck to the side of the tank together. My first thought was something along the lines of ":eek: What the hell?" and I tried to get a better look at the little things but, seeing as you can only look through a side of a tank one way, it was kinda hard. ^^;; I immediately began running a list of all possiblities through my head and all I could think of was some weird kinda fungus. I -knew- it couldn't be eggs 'cause all I had in the tank was guppies... right?
After about five minutes of studying the eggs, one of my cories swam by and I saw it out of the corner of my eye. Heh, I could've smacked myself at the moment. I always managed to forget about the little guys. :rolleyes: So, cory eggs, yay!! *celebrate

Anyway, can anyone tell me how I can tell if the eggs are fertilized or not? Looking around my tank I've counted a total of five eggs, which leds me to believe the female's not done with her business because I read in this fish book that Paleatus (Peppered) lay close to 100 eggs at one go.
Oh yes, speaking of genders, that reminds me: would the cories lay eggs if they were both females? I've tried sexing them but they like to dash around and the only time they stay still is when they're at the back of the tank where I can't see them that well.
And don't snails eat eggs? I have a buttload of snails in the little tank and I'm worried for the little eggs. :(

Well, thanks everyone. ^^ Talk to you later!!


P.S. *dances around madly* I finally got my 54 G tank!! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! *she chortles in her joy*
^^;; Yeah... I like the Jabberwocky poem quite a great deal...

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Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio

The fertile eggs will turn an orangish color, while the infertile eggs will turn a milky white.I would suggest removing the eggs after 24 hours with a credit card, or something similar to that, to a different tank. However when moving them, make sure that none of the eggs reach the air, as if they are out of water, they will become infertile. They usually hatch in say 48-56 hours. Once they hatch, I suggest feeding immediately feeding them infusoria or micro-worms. They will remain bite size for about a month and a half, so a fry tank will be necessary. I am pretty sure that fertile eggs will be unharmed by snails, however they will clean up any infertile eggs for you.

