Panther Grouper

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
I've seen this gorgeous little Panther Grouper at a LFS today and would like to ask for any comments or recommendations from anyone who has had one of these beauty. I know they grow very large very quickly (which I believe I can accomodate at least for a year or two) and will eat and eat. Otherwise?....any comments?

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
The one I have my eye on is between 2 or 3 inches and as I said, I'm confident I can give him adequate room for at least a year or two.
Thanks for the kind links Guppy. :) The marine aquarium advice site is very useful. I had already checked all the obvious website for information and like what I read, but I would really like some comments from somebody who has some experience with these guys...rate of growth, and any problems these guys might cause, that sort of thing. Wayne?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
What are you going to do with him then - give it back? They're not real easy to sell at a large size (read impossible) so it will either be tough to give back or you can guarantee it will end up in substandard accom somewhere else.
I would give it a miss - they are pretty at that size, but morally a poor call. They do taste ok though.
If you want something spotty and have a devent cave for it I'd go for a marine betta instead

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
Hmmm, not too keen on the Marine Betta although I am making that judgement solely on pictures from the internet. Thanks for the recommendation though. I'd really like the grouper.
The LFS selling it also has a 2500 gallon display tank with a black tipped shark in it and little else. I'll ask if they would be prepared to take it off my hands once he became too large. They did used to have a large one in a display with an unwanted puffer and engineer goby. I don't think that tank was much bigger than mine though.
As for eating him (I read they are related to the Sea Bass), I never could. I'd be like Homer Simpson's eating his beloved lobster "Pinchy". *laughingc


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well I've got a couple of hundred gallons on the way, and it isn't top of my shopping list, but it's your call at the end of the day? What do you like about it?

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
wayne said:
Well I've got a couple of hundred gallons on the way, and it isn't top of my shopping list, but it's your call at the end of the day? What do you like about it?
I like the way it swims - very much like a clownfish. It has great colouration (though I'm aware this will dull somewhat over time) although while young it is striking with good contrast. I like especially like the personality it seems to have. Very enquisitive. I have read they watch you more than you can watch them, and from that I've seen of this guy it seem's to be true. I like how he is able to move his eyes to look at you. I enjoy the submissive way that he keeps his head down as he swims - almost as if he has been a naughty fish. He appears to be a great fish - apart from his eventual size and the dulling of his colours with age. They are hardy and non agressive so long as they can't fit something in their mouth, and won't let themselves be bothered by others.
I plan to visit the LFS tomorrow to enquire about them housing him when he gets too large for me.
Any ideas on how soon I can expect him to outgrow a 90 tall?