Paradise fighting


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I bought 2 paradise gouramis a month ago. I think one is male and one is female, but I'm not sure. One has an entirely blue body with red fins (the one that I think is male), and one has blue and orange stripes. The blue one seemed to be dominant and territorial.

Immediately after I fed them today, I saw them kissing. Then they would slowly swim in a circle with each one's head near the base of the other's tail. The female would then flare up her gills and nip at him, and they would chase each other around before kissing again.

Could someone tell me if this is aggression or courting? I have them seperated right now, but if they won't kill or seriously injure eachother I would like to put them back together.


Large Fish
Apr 28, 2004
Atlanta, GA
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They're not gouramis!

Paradise fish! Stupid petstores.

Anyway, it sounds like you might have two males. Males have long fins especially the caudal, females don't. They'll fight almost as much as male bettas when they've gotten comfortable (they'll stand each other in petstores because there is a lot of them).

Kissing isn't courtship. It's almost always a test of dominance.

I'd keep them seperate and try and figure out what sex they are. Though I'm not sure that male and female paradise fish get along well together all the time either.


Small Fish
Aug 3, 2004
Ca, Anaheim
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Actually they are gourami but scince they are a different shapeand place they tend to be call paradise fish. And yes i totaly agree with u petstore keeper are idiot tard, they sold me baby opueqe Gourami and said it was dwarf.