Well Ive encountered a new problem, while researching and seeing if my fish were compatable with a paradise, it was a yes, only now my angel fish has been going after the paradise, and the paradise the ghost cat, so I had to isolate him in my spare 2 gal. I have read in many places that these fish can live permenantly in there, like a beta would. Only this seems cruel, and barely enough room for a guppy to stretch its fins. Do you think he will be okay in there? I really like this fish, and although I would love to keep him, I want whats best for him, so if he wont be happy in the two gal. he'll have to go back to the LFS tomorrow. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
IF I keep him I'll probably get a 5 gal. for him.
P.S. In my second post in this thread, I ment to say that paradise fish are good in 60*F - 80*F.