In my 30G, I have German Blue Ram fry about 8 weeks old. I roughly estimate 30 fry. I have been noticing a few rams swimming near the surface with head just below the surface and tail down. Their gills are spread open as far as possible. It is as though they are gasping for air. There are no visible signs on the fish. Once in a while they will go crazy, spasming and ramming into things. Some have died already. The tank is 1 year old. The water parameters are fine. No nh, no2, and low no3.
Temp is 82F. Water change on Saturday with a week aged water. No fish added.
Anyone know what it is? Im guessing internal parasites attacking the gills. Where do the parasites come from? What is the best treatment?
Temp is 82F. Water change on Saturday with a week aged water. No fish added.
Anyone know what it is? Im guessing internal parasites attacking the gills. Where do the parasites come from? What is the best treatment?