


In my 30G, I have German Blue Ram fry about 8 weeks old. I roughly estimate 30 fry. I have been noticing a few rams swimming near the surface with head just below the surface and tail down. Their gills are spread open as far as possible. It is as though they are gasping for air. There are no visible signs on the fish. Once in a while they will go crazy, spasming and ramming into things. Some have died already. The tank is 1 year old. The water parameters are fine. No nh, no2, and low no3.
Temp is 82F. Water change on Saturday with a week  aged water. No fish added.

Anyone know what it is? Im guessing internal parasites attacking the gills. Where do the parasites come from? What is the best treatment?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
#2 you know your O2 levels ???  If they are low put in a couple air stones ;) I don't know about the fin  I dought that it is Internal parasites ass they are rare in aquariums.

I don't think i know but, will try to find out ;) ;)

                Sorry  that i couldn't be much help,



You might be right however regarding it not being a parasite. I think its just a gill disease. But I still wonder where it comes?

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Have you given any live food to your tank?

It could then be Trichodina. The symptoms are usually not visable and the fish "gasp for air and lose weight. A heavy infection you may notice a gray film on the skin and gills of the fish infected.

You can treat with any med with Malachite green, or give the fish a bath in a 1-3% salt solution for five to 10 minutes.

It could be however a gill worm which can cause the same symptoms.A salt solution works for the worms as well.

If you are not sure of what it is I would give them salt baths.



Thanks Ruby! I have not fed any live foods for a long time and when I do it is brine shrimp. I am treating with salt but Im unsure how much salt to go with max. Will the salt affect the bacteria? I have asked a few people and they are unable to help me so far. I will be visiting my favorite lfs tonight and hopefully he can help. For now, I will continue with salt and if nothing else, tear the tank down and start over.