Parrot Cichlid


Small Fish
Aug 24, 2003
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I have a black parrot. It used to look very nice with a nice shiny black coat along with some reflective blue/purple regions. However, it started losing color about 1 year ago and still hasn't gotten it back. It's now dull black on the back and other areas are dull orange.

How can I get the nice appearance back?? I feed him Colorbits now. He doesn't eat live food anymore..


Small Fish
Aug 24, 2003
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one more thing...

what's a good algae eater I can get to clean up the algae a little that's compatible with the parrot? And maybe a second one to clean up all the other mess..

I have a 20gallon tank with 1 adult parrot, and 2 minnows right now.


Large Fish
Aug 13, 2003
Norwalk, CT
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In reference to the thread FishQueen posted- Hahahahahaha. Who lit the fuse on PhishKeeper's tampon? Damn...

But yeah, it is true. Some places do sell the dyed cichlids. Fortunately, the PetsMart I work at refuse to carry those altered fish. We have unaltered Glass Fish, Black Skirt Tetras, and Parrot Fish.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yeah sadly the Petco I buy from has painted glass fish... why the fish DO look cool, its like us being forced to get our whole body tattooed... ugh. Anyway, lets try not to start such an argument as that thread.... YES it looks cool, BUT its CRUEL.... and we can all see that turbo had no clue that it was dyed when turbo bought it... so its NOT turbo's fault and don't get on turbo's. But there's the answer to why the cichlid is losing color! :(


Small Fish
Aug 24, 2003
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mine wasn't like that

mine wasn't a wierd color. It was just black, and it looked natural because even though it was black, it also had blue/purple/green reflections on the fins and a few stripes on the body. When I bought it, it was really small and just black. Then it turned very very very very nice, now back to dull orange....with some black spots


Small Fish
Aug 24, 2003
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thanks for the tip on the otto's....I bought two this morning and dumped them into my algae filled 20g tank and they've already clean it up a bit....maybe about 10 square inches alraedy. Guess I can be a bit lazier with the tank cleaning now, hehe!

Any good hints for algae/bottom feeding fish? Maybe a pleco or something...Something the clean up the bits and pieces of the food my parrot leaves behind...

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Although it does sound as though your fish was injected, there could be another possbality. I have seen what you could call "natueral" colored baby parrots, and some were such a dark green color that they actually looked black. With the stripes showing sometimes. I have had a parrot like this but he was not as dark as I have seen them. As he got older the green faded around his belly while orange reflections started comeing through. I seemed to me that eventually he would turn the normal orange colore most parrot are.

Maybe you have one of these more natural colored parrots and just mistake the dark green for mor of a black. And maybe the black if fading and soon you will start to see some orange come though.

I really don't know, but I thought I would put in my experiance you never know. Plus, I don't know why a retialer would want to color a fish black....


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Baby Blood Parrot Cichlids start off a green-black color, I have seen them as well like AmazonTank says. As they grow older and larger, the green will eventually fade away to be taken over by a yellow, then an orange, then the true red color of Blood Parrots. This process happens faster the more dominate the fish is, as well as the larger it's habitat and faster it grows. Fully grown blood parrot cichlids can reach the size of soft balls.

A matte colored black is a bad sign though. Blood Parrots are one of those fish whom can be used as a water quality indicator. If their water quality sucks, patches on their scales and fins will turn black, meaning a stressed out fish. You have to adjust the water quality until the black patches go away. Once you find the right blance in water chemistry and quality, the black patches go away.

Good luck.


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2003
western canada
uh huh

I agree amazon.

Parrots werent being artif.colored until about 2-3 years ago, (typically)
Generally, parrots colors developed from the parents. It was kinda kewl cuz you could buy little black ones as babies, and watch them color up later as they grew, and dam near everyone turned out pylon orange.
Then, people start mass producing them, cuz they were a hit, and the genetics began to deteriorate. (Parrots were sterile, at the time, and I believe still are). Soon, the Bright Orange Parrots were coming in less and less orange, almost to a peachy color. It became a real treat when we actually got one that colored up bright orange. Its gotten a little better over the last year, but still, not what they used to be.

And yes, now they are dying them. Or the new technology, is DNA restructing, where we will soon, alter and enhance colors thru DNA. I still carry the blueberry tetras and strawberry tetras, but I let ppl know what they are about.
Painted glass, nope sorry. Just cant do it.
And lately Ive seen Oscars, and others as well. This is uncool.

I recently came across a new strain of Jack Dempsey that supposedly has a solid blue body, very brightly colored,incredible actually as Ive been told, that has had the aggression bred out of it. apparently these fellas can be kept in a community environment, ie tetras, angels, etc. Ha! I say. That is life on the edge. Put a JD in with your angels. :) ( The previous was sarcastic - please do not attempt.)

So ive ordered one. I wanna see it for myself.


ps hi colesea... :)

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