Parrot Cichlids with balck spots? Finn rot? Please help

Nov 7, 2003
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Parrot Cichlids with black spots? Finn rot? Please help

We bought an aquarium with 3 Parrot fish (5-6 inch), one Convict (6 inch) and a pleco. I did not realize the complete situation before after getting it home. The aquarium, gravel and decorations were very smelly. The water probably had not been changed as needed. There was definitely a lack of maintenance.

We kept some of the original water (8 Gallons) to create some continuity for the fish. The aquarium is 33 Gallon. However, after some days I noticed that two of the parrots (the two smaller) have one frayed side fin (could it be fin rot). One of them also came with some black spots (the spots does not have clear borders, but look like black fungus that sometimes grow in bathrooms) on the back, but I thought that was what he looked like. Now it seems to be spreading to other parts of it as well. Could this be Black Spot disease?

What do I do, we just got it set up a week ago, the fish seem to be doing fine and are happy. However, I want to keep them happy, they are so beautiful and we like them a lot.

Thank you for any help you can offer

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Nov 7, 2003
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Parrot Cichlids with balck spots? Finn rot?

Thank you for your answer. I know the convicts are known as aggressive, however since there is only one it seems to be relative calm. I do not see him hunting the others as they sometime do.

However, after doing additional research I also noticed that the Parrots' eyes have black spots that covers parts of the colored rings in their eyes could this be caused by black spot disease?


Medium Fish
Sep 13, 2003
no that is not the problem. however, i am not attacking your water conditions, but i also have a blood parrot, and it too got black spots after i bought it. after doing some research, i found that bp do get a kind of black spot disease, not really a disease, it is more like the fish trying to show you that the nitrate (i think) is too high, i cannot quite remember what it was, but i do know it has to do with water conditions. What i did was put my bp in another tank of mine (in the gold fish tank a 29gal) temporarily while i re- cycled the other tank, i also added doc well fishes aquarium salt to the water in the gold fish tank, then when he was better, i put him back in the old tank. In the end it really wasn't too big of a deal b/c i caught it in time, but he did get better, and now he's a happy healthy lil guy. Hope my advice helps, good luck on the bps hope they get better. btw they should b/c ime they are pretty hardy.


Medium Fish
Mar 24, 2003
Dallas Texas
I have three parrots. Depending upon their moods, their black spots come and go. The black spots are part of their natural coloration. I have one parrot who only gets black spots on her fins when it is time to eat. I have another whose eyes darken and gets spotty around it when it feels that I have been watching it for too long. As long as you are doing proper maintenence on the tank, and regular water changes, then your fishy friends will be ok.

The blood parrot forum:

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Medium Fish
Sep 13, 2003
it also depends on what color parrot fosh you have. if you have got the normal ones bought from petsmart, they are brown and have some black which is normal, or if you bought dyed ones the color may be fading, or if you have a blood parrot that are orange, they just get black spots and it means you need a water change.