My tank started to get cloudy like a few days ago and its been like that since. It looks like if its really hot tap water, like you could see verrry tiny bubbles/particles just floating around. I don't know what it could be, I did a 50 percent water change yesterday and it didn't have no effect. Its a 29 gal. tank and its got an Aqua-Tech 20-40 power filter. The cartridges don't have that much carbon in 'em and I was thinking of buying a little jar of carbon and putting it somewhere. If I have to, whee would I put it? I'm thinking in the filter reservoir. Thanks
P.S. I have 2 Oscars, 7 goldfish, 1 Betta, 1 pleco
P.S. I have 2 Oscars, 7 goldfish, 1 Betta, 1 pleco