partly cloudy today....

My tank started to get cloudy like a few days ago and its been like that since. It looks like if its really hot tap water, like you could see verrry tiny bubbles/particles just floating around. I don't know what it could be, I did a 50 percent water change yesterday and it didn't have no effect. Its a 29 gal. tank and its got an Aqua-Tech 20-40 power filter. The cartridges don't have that much carbon in 'em and I was thinking of buying a little jar of carbon and putting it somewhere. If I have to, whee would I put it? I'm thinking in the filter reservoir. Thanks
P.S. I have 2 Oscars, 7 goldfish, 1 Betta, 1 pleco


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
Its probably an algea bloom, or it could be something in the tank that is clouding it. Any unusual things in the tank? How long do you light the tank? Does it get direct sunlight from any windows?

7 Golfish and 2 Oscars, ouch, please take back the oscars they will get way to big for that tank and the 7 goldfish just ought to be very dirty.

Carbon wont do much for that, just keep up on water changes and have patience. It will go away with either of the two.

- depthC

Oct 22, 2002
Are you using any air stones? Im thinking that it maybe just gas in your tap water that is slowly dissipating. When I do 50% water changes in my 90G planted, I also get lots of bubbles for the first 4 hours or so. It does go away though.

The cloudiness, is it whiteish, greyish? Greenish?

Yes, I know the oscars will get way too big, thats why I'm building a 90 gal.

Its not by a window and I turn the light on first thing in the morning, and I turn it off at around 9 at night. But lately, I've been getting home late the last couple days, so I've been turning it off at around 11 or 12. But the cloudiness is white, thats what kept me from believing it was algae. And nope, don't use air stones. Should I get one? And I use Crystal Clear, but maybe I should use it more.


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
First thing in the morning, what time is that? Morning usually means early anyways so im assuming your tank get 12+ hours of light a day and that is a little heavy on lighting hours. Do you have bad algea?

Well whatever I suggest buying a cheap appliance timer. I use one on everyone of my tanks. They are under $10 usually and a good investment. My lights turn on 12pm - 10 pm.

- depthC