Partying + Fish?

Oct 22, 2002
Here's an odd question:  We're having a party at our house this weekend, and we don't have a room for a 'fish room' so the tank is in our living room.. a friend is bringing his turntables, so there will probably be loudish-bass music going on, not to mention lots of people walking around the house.

Does anyone have experience on how fish react to this kind of thing & how to minimize their stress?  ..I was thinking of putting some kind of cloth over the tank, and of course making sure that nobody smoked anything nearby or set their beers on the tank...
I especially am worried about my week-old baby platy (see splay&num=1030304841:)).. and i would be *really really* upset if anything happened to it or any of the fish.

Thanx for your input, so I don't have to worry about my little guys while I'm partying down...  *celebratesmiley*


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Well, I'm just about positive that I'm the guy to answer this. I sometimes have massive parties at my house, but I don't have fish in either of my two living rooms (because of that reason). Hmmm...judging from my past experience, I would try to move the fishtank if at all possible. Got a cart with some rollers? They will be fine with no heat or filtration for a few hours, just don't pass out and forget, but even when you wake in the morning they may be ok. It's been my experience that someone drunk will do something dumb, like mistake your aquarium as a "really cool" toilet, or they may believe that your fish will really like beer.

Another idea is that if you're having more people than YOU can control, I would hire a couple people to do security for your joint. Being a large college town here, it's almost a must or the D.A. won't have mercy on you if someone gets into an accident coming from your party, but I don't know your town, so that may not be necessary. Many times you can hire people for free beer and/or a free meal at some local restaurant, or some cash. People like working security to show off their "stuff."

Keep in mind that sounds are amplified much, much more in that aquarium than for what you hear. You can cause severe stress or death from your hammering bass notes. I'm also an audiophile, so I know a hella lot about audio. Try to get the fish out of there. I still like the idea of moving them. If you were having a wine tasting party, it might be different, but if you're throwing a kegger, take my advice... But, if you can't move the thing, cover it in as many quilts, comforters, and sleeping bags as you can find.

Oct 22, 2002
Thanks for your input, Avalon..

...we do live in that kind of a town, but on the other side of campus.. :)  And it's only a small private party.  so I'm not too worried about that degree of uncontrolled drunkenness..

we still have a couple of days to decide on a plan of action..

Oct 22, 2002
My tank used to be in my living room........the loud music didnt do any obvious harm.......but im sure my fish were not happy about it.It was hard to enjoy the party, while babysitting my tank all night, making sure no drunk person fell against it or dropped ashes in it. People can get real careless once they get drunk.  Definitly cover the tank to keep smoke from getting in.........I didnt think to do this the first time and by the end of the night, my tank was very cloudy, Im sure it was from the smoke filled room.  protect your fish and have fun *thumbsupsmiley*

Billy Bob

Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yorkshire England

One time whilst i was away my younger sister thought it would be fun to have a party as she had the house to herselfs.  However i came home early that night with a girl i had met to find the house full of pissed up teens walked in to my room to check my fish to find sum twat pouring vodka into the tank and a couple making out on my bed!  Anyway after kicking the two lovers out of my bed i set to dealing with the vodka boy.  He ended up having to walk home naked and paying me ££££ so that i didn't batter the shit out of him.  Now hes older and buys me a pint everytime i see him.  

p.s all te fish where fine but probally felt worse for wear!

Oct 22, 2002
I would recommend placing an extra fresh batch of activated carbon in your filter.  Any pollutants (aka smoke, aka alcohol, aka pretzels) that make it into the tank should be absorbed quite readily by the carbon.  Just throw it out when finished and you should be good to go.

Oct 22, 2002
update: it went well, i put some blankets over the tank and blocked it w/ the couch and nobody really even seemed to notice it was there.  Also I think it dampened the noise.. When I looked in after most ppl left the fish were in their sleeping spots so i assume they weren't stressed.. :)

and it was a good party too.. :)  (roomate's 21st, even had two of his ex-girlfriends here, lol)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Funny story relating to fishtanks and parties that this thread reminded me of.

Way back in my college days (okay maybe not that far back, but it seems like a lifetime ago) I was involved with greek life sororities and frats and that whatnot.  One of the frats my sorority was close to had a fish tank in their frat house. The Sig Pi brother who owned the tank happened to be a marine bio major like myself, so I knew him pretty well.  He had the most beautiful lionfish you could ever imagin, three of them. The tank was a 30 gallon set up specfically for them. He was totally devoted to this tank.

Over the tank on the wall he had posted this sign:

Welcome to the Sigma Pi house. This tank and the fish cost more than your life so if anything happens to it, your ass is mine. They are posionous, so sticking your hand in here is not a bright idea.

He kept it in the off limit part of the house where party-goers weren't supposed to be allowed, the front "living room." People who were there for parties were suppose to enter and leave via the back door and were only allowed though the kitchen to get to the basement.

Well, during this one particular party apparently some chick got way too drunk and decided she wanted to "pet the fish." Don't ask me what was going through her head. Indeed, she stuck her hand in the tank. How she got into the off limit part of the house is anybody's guess, apparently the brother on door duty wasn't paying attention.

Now lionfish have poison in their spines. To get stung by one isn't totally fatal, but it hurts like hell and if you don't get prompt medical attention you could go into anaphalic shock. Especially if you're allergic to wasp, bees, or ant venom.  Well, nobody knew anything about this girl except she was screaming in angony, totally drunk and shocked. They had to clear the party, call the EMTs, and my friend was told he could no longer have his fish tank in the house. He was totally devastated, upset that the girl was hurt (luckily she wasn't allergic to venom and was okay), and doublly upset that his brothers were careless enough to let a drunk chick near his tank, and tripply upset that anybody would dare mess with his tank.

I personally felt bad for the lionfish, it wasn't their fault some people are stupid. I don't know where he got rid of the tank at, but he moved out of the house shortly there-after.

But yeah, during parties, especially the college crowd variety, you have to babysit your tank full time to keep stupid people away from it, which makes the party no fun for you. Personally I don't like doing all the work involved in parties anyway, so I went to one at somebody else's place.<G>